Monday, October 27, 2008

I Am Not Alone

I am not alone.  This is what I keep telling myself.  I am young, married, educated and now a Father and I know that I am not alone.  I have friends all over the place who are in my shoes and we spend a ridiculous amount of time talking about the predicaments, the pratfalls and the victories that we experience every day but there does not seem to be much of an outlet for those discussions except in the ether.

My goal is to get those topics out there.  Originally I wanted to speak specifically on what it is to be a Dad but I think that I will concentrate more on the everyday.  This will definitely include being a Dad but it will also include being a husband, homeowner, taxpayer, lead singer of a Rock Band and any other hat that I may be wearing that day.  I have a goal to share these experiences twice a week on Sundays and Wednesdays as those are the least busy days on my Calendar.

I am going to start by relaying the experience of becoming a Dad and will go from there.

I welcome comments, shared experiences, questions whatever!  If I can answer I will, if not then I won't.  Wish me luck!

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